Recent & Upcoming Talks


DeepSeeColor: Realtime Adaptive Color Correction for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles via Deep Learning Methods

Successful applications of complex vision-based behaviours underwater have lagged behind progress in terrestrial and aerial domains. This is …

Ocean Encounters: ROBOTS (Season 5, Episode 4)

Ocean robots are revolutionizing science at sea. Join us to find out how researchers are using increasingly sophisticated autonomous and …


Rapid and Comprehensive Coral Reef Monitoring through Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Semantic Mapping of the Reef Benthos

Coral reef ecosystems worldwide are rapidly changing due to a host of natural and anthropogenic ecological pressures including climate …


ICRA 2021 Presentation: Multi-Robot Distributed Semantic Mapping in Unfamiliar Environments

We present a solution to multi-robot distributed semantic mapping of novel and unfamiliar environments. Most state-of-the-art semantic …

Communicating Efficiently to Enable Human-Multi-Robot Collaboration in Space Exploration

The future of deep space exploration demands a shift in the current paradigm of robotic planetary exploration. Mission Operators on Earth …


ICRA 2020 Presentation: Active Reward Learning for Co-Robotic Vision Based Exploration

We present a novel POMDP problem formulation for a robot that must autonomously decide where to go tocollect new and …


The Importance of Deep Learning in Robotics Research

Deep learning will play an invaluable role in advancing nearly every field of robotics research.